This is an image that I found that represents overfishing in many areas. Although it is only a cartoon, I think it does a good job at displaying the issue at hand. Basically, so many areas of the world's oceans have been overfished that there are hardly any fish left to catch. At one point, there were so many fish that people believed that the oceans could never be overfished and people took whatever amount they pleased. However, like most resources, when extracted too rapidally without allowing time for renewal, the resources can dissappear. This is especially true with fishing and I think that it is terrible that in many cases it is almost too late. If used in oderation, many species of marine life would be able to replenish itself, but with the speed that many types of fish and other life in the oceans have been caught, they were unable to do so. Fish are thought to have been one of the first creatures on Earth, and they were around a long time before humans. Furthermore, the first vertebrates are decendants of fish. This being said, we are extremely distand ancestors of fish and they have inhabited this Earth for millions of years longer than humans, it is a shame that it is taking an extrememly short amont of time in respect to Earth/marine life history for us to overfish and destroy many species.
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