Tuesday, January 23, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

This evening I attended the screening of "An Inconvenient Truth" put on by the Environmental Society and Ecology Action Centre. As you probably know, it is a film about global warming, presented by Al Gore. Anyways, while at the film I noticed many references to the oceans in connection with global warming. I thought I would share a few points. First off is the image above, taken from the movie. It shows Florida, with the coastlines covered by water. Apparently, with the melting of polar ice and a 20ft rise in sea level, this is what Florida would look like. So many people currently live in those areaa and I was suprised to see how much damage 20 feet could do. the film covered the idea of water current interruption due to the warming and many other basics that we all enjoyed in 203 and other introductory courses. However, I was interested on little tidbits of information. One of these was about polar bears. Apparently, many polar bears are being found each year having drowned because there is no ice to rest on. The film says that these bears can swim up to 60 miles looking for ice for rest and eventually drown because so much has melted to to increase in temperature, that there is none to be found. I can only imagine all of the other impacts that global warming would have on the oceans and life.

1 comment:

CBEMN said...

and the sad thing is; there are those who still just don't get it.