Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Arctic Microbes

Pictured here is Vincent Warwick, a biologist from the Universite Laval and his crew sampling tiny microbes that live in the Canadian Arctic waters/ice. He plans on studying the environment in which such microbes live, and their effects on other life. Vincent believes that these microbes live in these extreme environments of cold temperatures and darkness for a reason. With global warming, the temperatures of the water has been incresing drastically. If the microbes are linked to other types of life, the global warming could lead to the extinction of seals, fish and other species that live in the area. Warwick is also the Canadian Research Chair in Aquatic Ecosystems Studies. He claims that with the breakup of ice, many natural habitats are being lost in the area. He is trying to study these habitats before it is too late and they are completely lost.

1 comment:

CBEMN said...

SO many researchers are involved in small research projects such as this that collectively are giving us so much insight into climate change...finally, we need to act upon all of this work!